Ask Steve for HR & Recruiting 🫡

The examples below will show you different ways that Steve can help you do your HR & recruiting job better & faster.
When you're ready to learn more, check out our documentation and tutorials.

You're a recruiter named Riley Hunter who works for Roadrunner Software and you're trying to recruit product managers. You have identified a candidate on LinkedIn and want to send them a personalized message tailored to their profile and the role that you're hiring for.

  1. Click here to open the prospect's LinkedIn profile in a new tab
  2. Press the purple "Recruiter Outreach" button and Steve will write a personalized message in a popup for you. You can edit it to your liking in the popup before copying and sending it
  3. Try going to some other LinkedIn PM profiles and using the same button to write personalized messages to them
  4. Click this link to remove the demo button that we added.
πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰ Congratulations, you are now a candidate outreach machine! This example demonstrates the following Ask Steve capabilities:
  1. Any task that you want Steve to do repetitively can be saved as a Skill. "Write a recruiting outreach message" is one of the Skills that Steve ships with out of the box.
  2. To save even more time, you can permanently add a button for a Skill directly to a web page (a Skill Button). This button uses a Skill we just added that is specifically for Product Managers.
  3. If you want to customize the "Write a PM recruiting message" Skill for your own use, go to the ⚑Skills tab in the Ask Steve sidepanel and edit it. The button will automatically use your updated Skill.
For more details see: Skills and Skill Buttons

Riley has happened upon a conference for Product Managers and wants to extract key information about the speakers to add to her candidate pool.

  1. Click here to open the Speakers page for a conference in a new tab
  2. While on that conference page, press the Ask Steve toolbar icon to open the Chat.
  3. We want to use a Skill for this, so press the lightning bolt icon in the chat input and then type in people
  4. Select "Extract people information from a web page" and press ENTER. There's a lot to process here, so this might take a minute.
  5. Steve will give you a list that you can then save and import into Sheets or Excel (with "|" as the separator)
  6. Play around! Try modifying the skill, or try it out on the speakers page for a different conference.
πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ You're on fire! This example demonstrates:
  1. Running a Skill from Chat. In Chat you can ask any questions, and you can also run any of your Skills!
For more details see: Chat

Burt is working the employee HR service desk and receives a ticket from Helly who is requesting information about the resignation policy. To save time, he pastes in the bullets from the employee manual, adds a few short notes and asks Steve to convert them into a well-formatted email.

  1. Click into the "Reply" text field below and press Control Shift K (Windows, ChromeOS) or Command Shift K (MacOS) to bring up Steve's purple Quick Action box
  2. In the Quick Action box type expand and you will see a list of Steve's Skills that have "expand" in the name. Click on "Expand into nicer language" and press ENTER
  3. Steve will open a popup with your bullets expanded into a nicer email. You can copy it from there and paste it where you need it.
  4. Alternately, if you'd like Steve to replace the original text with the expanded text, instead of ENTER press Command ENTER (Mac) or Control ENTER (Windows, ChromeOS)
  5. The Quick Action box will remain open in case you have follow-on commands. Type formal, then select the "Make this more formal" Skill and press ENTER. Steve will make the email more formal
  6. Now type friend. Then select the "Make this friendlier" Skill and press ENTER. Steve will make the email friendlier
  7. So far we've used existing Skills in the Quick Action box, but you can also make one-time requests there: try typing make this a haiku or translate to french or any other instructions and see how Steve reworks your message.

Helly R reported via email
2 hours ago (Fri, 22 Mar 2024 at 9:51 AM)

Hi there -

I would like to resign my post at Lumon Industries. Can you please provide me with the necessary information regarding the resignation policy?

thanks! - Helly R


πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€ Now you can service employees as fast as you can think! This example demonstrates:
  1. Bringing up the Quick Action box in any editable text field by pressing Control Shift K (Windows, ChromeOS) or Command Shift K (MacOS), and using it to run one or more Skills and one-time requests.
  2. Replacing the existing text by pressing Command ENTER (Mac) or Control ENTER (Windows, ChromeOS) after selecting a Skill in the Quick Action box.
For more details see: Quick Action Box

Harmony manages a team of 20 at Lumon Industries, and twice a year has to request 3-5 peer reviews for each of her reports. Then she has to read through the feedback for each report and summarize it. 20 times. That's a lot of work! Fortunately that's the perfect kind of work to outsource to Steve.

  1. Click here to open the peer reviews for Irving Bailiff, one of Harmony's reports, in a new tab.
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page where the "Write your Manager's summary here" text area is and press the purple "Write First Draft" Skill Button that we added to the page.
  3. Steve will read all the reviews on the page and write a first draft summary for you. Review and make your edits, and you're good to go!
  4. If you'd like to have an interactive chat with Steve about Irving's reviews, press the purple button with the lightning bolt on the lower right of the window to open Chat in the sidepanel. Then type in Tell me about Irving and press ENTER.
  5. Steve will read the page and give you a summary about Irving, and now you can ask him any additional questions you have about the reviews.
🀩🀩🀩 How much time did you just save?! This example demonstrates:
  1. A Skill Button that can analyze the current page and write a summary for you.
  2. Chatting with Steve and having him read the current page and answer questions about it.
For more details see: Skill Buttons and Chat

Riley is reading a blog post about Federated Learning from a candidate that she is trying to recruit. She reads the definition in the post, but doesn't understand it. In the past, she would copy it, open a new tab, do a Google search, pick some links, and try to find what she needed. Now with Ask Steve, she can just select the text, right-click, and ask Steve to explain it, translate it, convert it, analyze it, and more.

  1. Here's the explanation that Riley saw:

    Federated learning is a sub-field of machine learning focusing on settings in which multiple entities (often referred to as clients) collaboratively train a model while ensuring that their data remains decentralized. This stands in contrast to machine learning settings in which data is centrally stored. One of the primary defining characteristics of federated learning is data heterogeneity. Due to the decentralized nature of the clients' data, there is no guarantee that data samples held by each client are independently and identically distributed.

    - Wikipedia

  2. Select the text above and right-click to bring up the Chrome context menu. Then click on "Ask Steve to.." and pick "Explain this to me in simple terms". Steve will open a popup and give you an easy to understand explanation.
  3. Let's try a different Skill. Select the text and bring up the menu again and this time pick "Improve this writing". Steve will analyze the text and provide suggested improvements.
  4. What else can you do? Anything! This time pick "ONE-TIME REQUEST" from the menu and you can type in what you want Steve to do. Try typing what types of applications is this useful for? or limerick and see what happens.
😍😍😍 Sweet! Now you can get help without ever leaving the page! This example demonstrates:
  1. How you can get help with any text by selecting it, right-clicking, selecting Ask Steve to... and then a Skill or a one-time request
  2. Pro-Tip: You can also do this for a whole page by right-clicking anywhere in the page.
For more details see: Context Menu

  1. Create your own Skills so Steve can help you with your repetitive tasks
  2. Share Skills with coworkers
  3. Find and install new Skills from the Skill Library
  4. Add Skill Buttons to web pages to make your workflow lightning fast ⚑
πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ Now you're ready to do your HR & Recruiting job better & faster than ever with help from Steve!
To learn more about what else Steve can do for you, check out our documentation and tutorials.